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The Inspiration List: BAZIL MEADE
Written: 26th November 2018
For my first post I’ve chosen @bazilmeade, founder and leader of the London Community Gospel Choir (LCGC). I’ve included him in my inspiration list, not just for his successes in music including his recent MBE, but moreso for the road he’s taken to get there. A while back I read his autobiography, ‘A Boy, a Journey, a Dream’ which speaks of his life from his early years in Montserrat and the struggles, setbacks and uncertainties he faced in moving to the UK with his family as a young boy. It also speaks of all the doubts that were thrown at his dream of building LCGC and more.
Though in the eyes of some he would’ve started out as an unlikely candidate, he now lives that once unlikely dream, travelling, teaching, sharing the joy of gospel music, leading one of the UK’s most well respected gospel choirs and inspiring lives all over… including mine.
His journey proves that it doesn’t matter how small the beginnings are, big trees can grow from small shoots.
I was so pleased when he first mentioned he’d like a bag and was even happier he could be the very first person to receive a chunky bum bag (I mean even before I made one for myself!) If this isn’t a cool model, I don’t know what is! lol! So Bazil, thank you for proving that “the dream” is attainable. Sometimes it looks doubtful but it helps to see it has and can be done. From Tula Leanne, here’s a bag to say thank you for the inspiration! 💛
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