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The Inspiration List: DANIELLE ENNIS
Written: 5th July 2019
It’s been a little while since my last Inspiration List post but here we go again, this time with the beautiful and all round incredible Danielle Ennis
I’ve had the privilege of watching Danielle become an educator, life coach, speaker and now author.
For a number of years she’s worked tirelessly to support young and vulnerable people on their life journey (amongst other things) and I’ve seen how emotionally and mentally invested she has been in their well-being. Whenever we’ve had a catchup about life, I’ve often left feeling inspired by her drive, determination, consistency, self-discipline, motivation and work ethic, whilst still managing to make time for family and friends. I mean… most days I don’t manage to even drink enough water let alone fit in all that she does in a day. lol!
I recently bought her book “Mind: Memoirs of a Young Londoner”. It’s a practical workbook in which she
shares diary entires from her own teenage journals, she provides conversation starters and offers nuggets of wisdom to help bridge the gap between often hard to reach teenage girls and those that want to support them in developing self awareness and healthy self esteem, whilst navigating those tricky and awkward teenage years.
It’s available on Amazon and she’s now also running PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) workshops in schools on topics like this. (Contact her for bookings!!) You can find out more about Danielle and the work she’s doing on her website -
I’m so proud of you Dan and respect and admire your outward facing attitude. This bag is to say “Thank You” for inspiring so many including me. Your efforts are not unnoticed or unfruitful. You’re doing a great job and I’m fully here for it 💪🧡
Keep up with Danielle's work:
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